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What's working?

Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick

What's working?

It's a question we can ask ourselves to focus our attention on the parts of our lives that are going well.

However, this is not a focus that comes naturally to us.

Actually, our natural tendency is to focus on all the things we are doing in a pretty ordinary, probably not very successful way.

If we stopped to think about it, we would realise how counter-productive our natural, negative tendency is. It encourages us to focus on the parts of our lives that aren't working. We feel bad about those parts, and the ideas that we've had that we just haven't been able to activate.

And feeling bad leads us nowhere good.

Instead, focus on what's working in our lives. Activities that we love and excel at. Relationships that we love and that build us up.

It's that simple.

We're already doing things that are working. By doing more of what's working, we become even better at the activity or relationship, and we feel better about ourselves.



Contact me: Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick, Auckland 0221 874 057, through the contact section by email or Private Message me through Facebook

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