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Soul Manure

Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick

Soul manure.

Do you have words in you that keep returning to you? Keep feeding you? Keep speaking to you?

I love words, and the power they release. Power to change and build us up. (Also to cut and destroy. So use with caution and wisdom!)

Words that return to me are these words from the totally marvellous Janet Frame:

I have what I gave.

Wounded by circumstances, and by a world that didn't often understand her, Frame suffered through much that would overwhelm many of us, including many years in NZ mental institutions, and hundreds of ECT treatments for misdiagnosed conditions. Yet she grew through her miserable circumstances, and gained rare wisdom.

Wisdom which revealed to her that our external reality is an extension of our inner world.

What we have on the outside is the result of what we give out.

Do we love our Life? Or do we find Life is less than we want it to be?

Though it's tempting to spend energy on our outer world, let's attend firstly to our inner world.

When our inner being is right and good with itself, then all will be right and good in our outer world.

We have what we gave.

Let's use our outer worlds as barometers for our inner worlds.

And let's attend to getting our inner worlds in order.


Contact me: Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick, Auckland 0221 874 057, through the contact section by email or Private Message me through Facebook

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