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Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick

What an act of bravery.

Victims of sexual crimes can carry a heavy burden of guilt and responsibility. Yet that guilt should only be carried by the perpetrator of the crime.

While no victim should ever feel it is necessary to step forward as these women have, their act of uncalled for courage does speak for all victims.

Read of the bravery of these abused women here:

Their courage clearly speaks to where the blame should rightfully lie: entirely with the perpetrator.

The act of speaking out, of speaking truth, and of naming abuse is tremendously liberating. And this liberation occurs whenever we tell our story, to whomever we feel safe sharing it with.

These women felt to share publicly. However, sharing can start with one person. It may be that sharing is only ever with one person. One person can be enough.

If abuse has been part of your journey, or the journey of one you love, please know that healing can begin through the bravery of sharing and telling.

Find one trusted someone to share with.

Kia Kaha.

Contact me: Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick, Auckland 0221 874 057, through the contact section by email or Private Message me through Facebook

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