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A Full Life? Or A Filled Life?

Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick

A full life.

It's what we want: a life that's satisfying and fulfilling.

Yet it's increasingly easy to simply fill our lives up. Social media will fill our every moment, if we allow it to. And stuff can potentially fill our homes, our hearts and our every breathing space.

A full life.

Or a filled up life.

They sound so similar.

Yet they are so very different.

Let's wonder if our lives are full, or are they simply filled?

Simply asking the question can trigger a change of energy and direction.

Let's get a jump start on New Year's Resolutions by claiming control of the content of our lives.


Contact me: Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick, Auckland 0221 874 057, through the contact section by email or Private Message me through Facebook

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