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Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick


We're all after it. Yet it can be remarkably elusive.

Assessment tools provide a quick, and sometimes useful, way into understanding ourselves differently.

My long-term favourite is Myers-Briggs. It's a framework that I often use with clients. For a moment in time, through the Myers-Briggs' lens, we are able to get that so-hard-to-get glimpse of ourselves as others see us.

Through this lens, we can see our strengths and shortcomings in a different way. We can begin to value ourself. And forgive ourself.

And we can grow in understanding of the diversity of other personalities which surround us.

We really are all so very different.

Many, many Myers-Briggs tests exist. Try a few to see which speaks to you. One of my favs is Personality-Central (This is absolutely not a paid promo.)

The questionnaire is brief and easy to answer with reasonable clarity. The infographics are bright and appealing and the commentaries on relationships and growth areas are helpful.

Why not have a little peek at the us that others can sometimes know more than we do?


Contact me: Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick, Auckland 0221 874 057, through the contact section by email or Private Message me through Facebook

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