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Doing Anger Badly

Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick

I sooooooo agree.

We deal with Anger soooooooo badly. What we're doing isn't working!

1 in 4 of us have walked through domestic violence.

Yet who would know? The shame and embarrassment keeps us quiet.

Women are absolutely the main victims. Of violence. And of homicide. As these statistics highlight. But, we women are not innocent either. Of all victims of domestic violence, though not of homicide, 1 in 3 is a man.

It's time to do anger differently! Managing Anger by suppressing it is not working.

My firm belief is that Anger is there to support us.To provide energy when situations and people are treating us badly. Anger instantly empowers us with energy to bring about change that is intended to liberate us.

In this way, Anger is a good emotion. As all our emotions are.

Above all, I believe we must understand Anger. Then, we must harness its energy to bring about our liberation. In a way that will never harm any One.

Contact an expert we can rely on, who will support us to examine Anger in our life. An expert who can support us as we learn to harness Anger. For liberation. Never for further Oppression.

We all have Anger.

And we all, sure do, need to develop different ways to understand it.


Contact me: Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick, Auckland 0221 874 057, through the contact section by email or Private Message me through Facebook

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