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Domestic Violence: It's Not OK

Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick

Building pressure.

It's part of this time of year.

As the pressure builds for us, let's be sure that violence is not something that is happening to our partner.

It is desperately important that violence against women is starting to receive more focus from the media. One in every four women will be a domestically violent situation. And that demands our attention.

However, women can also be the perpetrators of violence. And that also deserves our attention. A statistic I am aware of comes from Australia: One in three victims of domestic violence is a man. And that is just as 'Not OK' as violence against women is.

So, whether we are male or female, and whether our partner is male or female, let's treat each other with respect.

Let's know to seek help and support, before our partner becomes a statistic.

And, male or female, if we are being treated in a way that is less than we deserve, let's know that we need to reach out for support.

I am very familiar at supporting both men and women who have experienced domestic violence. Do contact me if you need support, or if someone you love needs support.

I am available for phone counselling, Skype Counselling, and email counselling.

And, of course, I am available for face to face counselling.


Contact me: Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick, Auckland 0221 874 057, through the contact section by email or Private Message me through Facebook

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