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Relationship Tonic

Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick

Our key relationship.

As we hurtle into this wonderful, and silly, part of the year, our key relationship may not be our biggest priority. It can be that we focus our attention on the multiple other things that hover around us, and we can hope that all will be well with our key relationship.

We can hope that leaving our key relationship on auto-pilot will be enough.

However, as we become stressed, so too will the dynamic of our key relationship.

And that's not going to be good.

Since time is more precious than ever at this time of year, I'm LOVING this vid, and the great tip it suggests for a quick fix, super-charged tonic for our relationship.

And did I mention it's super-easy?

Simply sit, in silence, with our loved one.

That's it!

Check out this vid, and see 6 couples who put it to the test. I love the gentle stories that reveal themselves as we watch each couple interact. One partner can seem quite relaxed, while the other may not be. As time progresses, watch the changes that take place.

Give it a go with your special person. I know we can all agree to find 4 minutes of silence to share with them.

Give it a go!

Find the vid here:


Contact me: Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick, Auckland 0221 874 057, through the contact section by email or Private Message me through Facebook

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