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Being Silly

Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick

Don't be silly.

I've just overheard an adult firmly say this to quite a young person in response to a concern about dogs in a public place.

A short, and quick reply. But one that can deliver a lot of damage.

The impact it has is something like, The concern you have shared with me is of no interest to me. I feel slightly irritated that you've brought it up. Actually, I'd like a really quick solution, like you getting over your issue instantly. And in the future, I would really prefer it if you kept concerns like that to yourself. Don't bother me with your concerns.

And over time, children and adults alike will learn to do exactly that, if they've been told not to be silly. They will keep their concerns, and their joys and their delights, from us. So, a message like this will have its effect.

However, most of us really don't want a lonely life. And most of us don't really mean to shut down those around us.

So, an alternative reply, that takes about as much energy, is, "I can hear you're concerned. I think it will be ok because ....... (in this situation) the dogs are on a lead."

And in this way, Relationship is built and strengthened. Concerned Person has their inner world confirmed and is reassured, and Reassuring Person is also strengthened through kindness and love.

Now that's Win Win!!!

Contact me: Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick, Auckland 0221 874 057, through the contact section by email or Private Message me through Facebook

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