It's an increasingly common issue for many.
Our lives are full of so much rushing, and so much emphasis on perfection. Dr. Libby, a nutritional expert in NZ and Australia, has even given it a label: Rushing Woman Syndrome.
While Busy is almost a cult, and while a full life is esteemed highly by our Society, this lifestyle exacts a heavy toll.
Constant Busy places our bodies into a state where we are overrun with elevated cortisol. This hormone is released in response to stress, and creates a chain response where our body lowers our metabolism rate, since we are in high alert mode and may well be fleeing disaster. Food may be scarce, our body thinks.
A wonderful response for times of disaster. However, not helpful for us when Everyday throws our bodies into such a response. Anxiety that settles in and makes itself at home in us is absolutely another unwelcome outcome of living under constant stress.
Breathing strategies are certainly useful. And I have posted on breathing a number of times.
However, today I'm going to start a few posts that will address what I am seeing as the root cause of the epidemic of Anxiety in our Society.
The drive to be perfect. We live in an image-saturated world. Images of perfect families, perfect bodies, perfect homes and perfect meals surround us. Tips to do everything better and more easily are so readily available. And we do try to do what we can to be better at it all than we were yesterday.
And we may be doing it. We may be doing things in a better way.
But we are not BEING US in a better way.
We. Are. Falling. Apart.
Let's call a halt to it.
Let's start to end it. By thinking about it.
And let's think about it together over the next few posts.
Contact me: Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick, Auckland 0221 874 057, through the contact section by email or Private Message me through Facebook