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Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick


This is a widely misunderstood condition. In this 15 minute talk, Elyn Saks, now a chaired Professor of Law, Psychology and Psychiatry at the USC Gould School of Law, reviews her own experience with chronic schizophrenia.

Her talk is a frank and gutsy overview of the gravity of her condition. She is also a beacon of hope for those who may share her diagnosis, since she has carved out a life of success that is built around and over her condition.

Her talk includes hard-to-hear details from when she was hospitalised more than 30 years ago. These aspects would certainly not be true of current mental health care provisions.

For me, the significant aspects of her talk are at 11.31 where she reviews the three factors that she feels have ensured her successful management of her condition. For her, the factors of her success are: 1: Treatment. She links intensive psychoanalytic psychotherapy with excellent psychopharmacology, or medication 2: Her close family members and friends who know her and her illness. 3: Her supportive and understanding work environment

These three points all resonate with my understanding of research around mental health conditions.

Combining counselling or therapy with medication will ensure the greatest long-term success.

And strong support networks withing families and work places will also ensure best-ever outcomes.

Let's all work to increase awareness and understanding about mental health issues.

And if we, or someone we love, is struggling with a mental health issue, then do reach out for professional therapy and medical intervention.

See the following vid:

Contact me: Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor in Howick, Auckland 0221 874 057, through the contact section by email or Private Message me through Facebook

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