Sometimes they travel back to us.
Words that usually linger in the recesses of our being can suddenly be stirred back up to life.
Words can rise up within us and resonate with us, ringing out fresh sounds in our hearts as a situation or trigger brings them to life again.
Do you know this?
Many times we can have sad, bad words that come back to us. And that's a different story for us to think about, on a different day.
For today, I'm thinking of the way we can plant around us words that feed and nurture us. Words that we can forget about, until our eyes trip across them in our ordinary lives. Words that we can forget about until a situation triggers part of them and they start to ring in our hearts again.
Vision boards can be a great way to plant words around us. And so can our fridges. Or the inside of a door in our pantries. Or a wall in our walk in robe.
Find somewhere that's a bit private to us, but is a spot that we will glance at from time to time.
And in that place, plant words. Words that we love. Words that speak to us.