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Preventing Teen Suicide

Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor, Auckland

When I was a facilitator for a national, secular Suicide Prevention programme that the NZ Govt ran throughout schools, we spoke of the importance of nurturing teens to develop their own spirituality. The research we shared indicated that teens with their own core of spirituality are better able to navigate the stress and pressure of being an adolescent. They are better able to make it through teen years without choosing suicide.

While encouraging spirituality in our teens can appear a challenge, there are several positive aspects to build our confidence. Firstly, teens are developmentally geared for thinking through the deeper issues of life. Talking with our teens will reveal the depth of their thinking and inquiry. They are already working out their world view, so rather than leading them, it is more about journeying alongside them, and supporting them to pursue their own interests.

Further great news is that there are many, many options available to us all which provide depth and meaning to Life. It's likely that we do access a spiritual core, even if we don't quite know it. Do you or your teen love the outdoors? Do you love quiet reflection? Creative pursuits such as painting or drawing? There are many, many options. This article can suggest possibilities:

More encouraging news is provided by the article linked to the image in this post.

The article refers to research that indicates that it is spirituality, not religion, which brings true happiness. So, it's not just about attending church, or accessing something that outwardly presents itself as being spiritual. It's about finding something genuine and authentic that lives and sustains us.

I'd love to hear about your journey with your teen, past or present. What have your experiences been with encouraging spirituality in your teen? Maybe you have a strong opinion that this is not fruitful?

Do let me know your thoughts and experiences.

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