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Inner Being

Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor, Auckland

I love patterns and continuing themes (I think it helps me see patterns and themes in clients' lives).

I'm liking this quotation by Rumi, a 13th-century Persian poet, jurist, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic.

It follows on from Friday's posting about finding peaceful space: outside and inside. And I think it ties in with yesterday's posting about following whim and a Crazy Something. So, it's ticking my boxes for theme and continuity.

And theme or no theme, I do love the message of this quotation.

Inside us all are voices that we may not truly hear, but which nevertheless speak to us. They speak to us, and draw us on. And the direction they draw us is towards health, well-being and growth.

You know. You know what I'm going to wonder.

How about we do listen?

Really listen.

And let's see what happens.

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