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Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor, Auckland

Following on from yesterday's posting, how was it for you, when you listened to your quiet inner voice?

Did you have kind and affirming words for yourself? Did your inner Self want you to give yourself a break? Did it ask you to ease up on yourself a bit?

And what did you do with the encouragement to take a break? We can be pretty good at knowing the importance of "Me Time": time to recharge and re-energise ourselves. We understand that we need to be taking care of ourselves before we can take care of others, just as airlines tell us when they run through the safety notices.

However, I notice that the energy we often draw on for our "Me Time" is driving, compelling energy. We can drive ourselves to exercise, drive ourselves to be productive, and drive ourselves to be moving forward. Even in our 'Down Time'.

I wonder what if that is what our inner voices were really encouraging us to do? I'm wondering if our inner voices were guiding us towards some of the loving and nurturing things on today's infographic. Let our voices guide us towards gentle love and care for our Selves.

Which ones speak to you most?

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