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Naming Reality

Lorraine Dodd: Counsellor

On many occasions, I have seen clients transformed through the power and release that comes through naming their experiences.

Men and women who have been subject to abuse are often visibly altered when the correct name is given to what they have experienced. "Abuse. What you have been through is abuse. You have been abused." The act of naming reality brings trauma out of secret, hidden and shameful places, and brings it into the light.

I love this author's insight that, "language has the capacity to transform our cells, rearrange our learned patterns of behavior and redirect our thinking." She speaks of the importance of naming right what is in front of us, since that is often the most invisible.

What is the invisible thing that is right in front of you? Do you have something in your life that is damaging, yet you have needed to look beyond it, and make it invisible, to ensure you survive?

Reach out for support. Give yourself the chance to hear someone name your reality. Allow yourself an opportunity to experience the release and transformation that I have seen take place in the lives of clients who name their reality.

Ring me on 0221 874 057, or Private Message me through Facebook.

As Eve Ensler says, freedom begins by naming things. Start your journey towards freedom.

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